

  • 6 Strawberry Balls Soft Sponge Hair Curler

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    $ 8.79
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  • Product Details

  • Use this litte and cute Sponge Hair Curler, you can also be a magic hairdresser. Just 20-30 minutes, DIY by yourself at home.

    • High quality
    • Soft and light weight design, easy to carry easy and simple to use.
    • NO Damage with your hair even while you are sleeping.
    • These revolutionary hair curlers, First design in Japan, now are popular around the whole world.

    Package Includes
    • 1 x 6 Strawberry Balls Soft Sponge Hair Curler
    Extra Info
    Additional information:
    • 1.Apply the styling product to the hair or let your hair down directly. Another way is spray the styling liquid on the wet hair and make it curl. It is more beautiful and natural than the permed hair. If you don´t like it, wash it and you will get the straight hair.
    • 2.Never damage the hair quality.
    • 3.Roll hair up when the hair is damp-dry and remove the ball curler when the hair is dry, and all these steps behind the washing.

    Keep the curly hair one night and remove next day, very good effect and not take more time. Spray styling liquid before curling, with good elasticity
    More natural if no styling liquid


    You´d better not spray styling liquid after removing the ball curler, because it will damage the hair volume. No water, no comb, the best with hand.
    You never have to go to the beauty salon, you can make the beautiful curly hair by yourself. The same goes for the permed hair, more lightweight and styling.